Monday, December 1, 2014

Stop the spreading of AIDS worldwide by 2015 - Getting to Zero.

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year. It raises awareness across the world and in the community about the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. It is a day for people to show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.

Most of us are only too aware of the serious challenges that HIV continues to pose around the globe.

HIV still exists in Australia. There were 1,236 new HIV diagnoses in Australia in 2013,  slightly less than the previous year.
HIV can affect anyone. There is no vaccine or cure for HIV.
The good news is that the transmission of HIV is preventable. By being informed about how HIV is transmitted and how to protect ourselves and others, we can enjoy life with safer sex and prevent the spread of HIV.
So take the first step – inform yourself about HIV. This website contains important information about HIV, including how you can protect yourself and where to go for more information and help. Take time to read it and then pass it on to your friends, family and loved ones. You may be saving your life and others.

What is HIV?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that causes AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). They are not the same thing.
HIV weakens or breaks down the body’s immune system and makes the body vulnerable to disease and infection. Some people who have been infected with HIV experience flu like symptoms but others do not notice any symptoms for many years.

What is AIDS?

AIDS is not the same as HIV. A person living with HIV does not necessarily have AIDS, but all people with AIDS are HIV positive.
AIDS can occur after many years of damage to the immune system caused by HIV. This damage to the body’s immune system makes the body vulnerable to disease and infection. During the advanced stages of HIV infection, a person may develop a number of ‘AIDS-defining illnesses’ which can be very debilitating and possibly lead to death.

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV may be transmitted when blood, semen and vaginal fluid from an infected person enters the body of an uninfected person. This can happen through unprotected anal, vaginal and oral sex, or when sharing injecting equipment. Mothers who are HIV positive can transmit HIV to their babies during pregnancy, during vaginal delivery and when breast feeding.
While it is infectious, HIV it is not spread like air-borne viruses such as the flu. It can’t be passed on by hugging, shaking hands, coughing or sneezing. Nor can it be passed on by sharing toilets and washing facilities or using eating utensils or consuming food and beverages handled by someone who has HIV.

What can I do to protect myself from HIV?

Always practice safe sex

It can take a single instance of unprotected sex with an infected partner for HIV to be passed on. Condoms can help provide protection from infection by preventing semen, vaginal fluid or blood from coming into direct contact with another person.
Sex can be made safer by using a condom together with water-based lubricants (lube) which help prevent the condoms from breaking. When used correctly and together, condoms and lube are the best protection against the transmission of HIV.

Travelling and your protection

If you are sexually active and travelling, especially to countries where there is a high prevalence of HIV, make sure you take condoms and sachets of lube with you – in some countries they are difficult to find or are of a low quality.
Medical procedures in unsterile conditions and blood transfusions in some countries are also important risk factors to consider.

Sharing isn’t always caring

When it comes to needles and personal care items (e.g. razors), there’s a good reason to be careful – HIV and other diseases can be transmitted through blood.
If you inject, always use new injecting equipment every time and never share any of your equipment. If you are getting a tattoo, piercing or acupuncture make sure the equipment is sterile.


A blood test is the only way to know if you have HIV. You can get a confidential test by visiting your doctor or sexual health clinic. For further information check the government Health Department website in you State or Territory

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